
Wednesday 25 November 2020

Christchurch Earthquake

  • How have the Christchurch earthquakes had an impact on our city? 

      people have lost loved ones and lost their job and cars   

  • What positive or negatives have come from the quakes? 

     sad times for the families that  lost their loved ones from the earthquakes 

  • What are some changes that citizens have made to prevent damage happening from potential future earthquakes?

not to make the buildings not be up to high in case one happens

Tuesday 24 November 2020

water safety

1 don't play breath-holding games 

2 enter water feet first 

3 get a lifeguard if something is happening

4 enter slide feet first

5 look at for others when jumping off diving boards 

6 wave your hand for help if u can't swim or get out 

7 walk don't run on the side of the pool

8 put sunscreen on 


Monday 23 November 2020


 Solar systems are the smallest of the three systems in question. A solar system consists of a star such as the sun and the objects affected by its gravity.

A star is a luminous ball of gas mostly hydrogen and helium

A Nebula is a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.

 stars die because they exhaust their nuclear fuel.   Really massive stars use up their hydrogen fuel quickly but are hot enough to fuse heavier elements such as helium and

there is no upside-down in space you can't go upside down in space 

The Navigational Star Chart can be used to calculate position by finding the circle of position of three separate stars. The point where those circles intersect is the location of the boat.


Friday 6 November 2020

womens suffrage

 What does the term ' women's suffrage' mean the right for women to vote

What year were women allowed to vote independently in New Zealand 1893 women should be allowed to vote because they are human to like the man and they should have rights like the man

have been allowed to vote since 1893 they decided women can vote to kate Sheppard thought women needed the rights to vote instead of just man voting now it is equal they all get to vote both man and women it wasn't fair that man were allowed to vote and women weren't allowed

How many Prime Ministers in Aotearoa have been female 3

Friday 23 October 2020

The invasion of Parihaka


  1. Where is Parihaka located? it is located between Mount Taranaki and the Tasman Sea in the north island of New Zealand

  2. Fact card 1 includes a metaphor - what is it?" I am for peace let the lions rage I am still for peace".

  3. Explain the metaphor in your own words, what does it mean? the metaphor means that he te whiti believes in peace for the world

  4. When did the invasion of Parihaka occur? 5th of November 1881

  5. Summarise fact card 3 in your own words. the government said they can have their land then came back and said they can't keep it. this made the people off Parihaka sad and upset so they had a non-violent protest called passive resistance. the government put the protesters in jail and gave them an ultimatum to leave or they will all be removed

  6. How do you think the people of Parihaka were feeling when the troops entered their village? scared and worried

  7. Why do you think John Bryce wanted to keep journalists away from Parihaka when the invasion was taking place. it causes what he was doing was wrong and the journalists they believe the government

Thursday 15 October 2020

gold rush

 The first recorded discovery of gold in New Zealand was by Charles Ring a TasmanianOtago’s first gold rush was in 1861 after Gabriel Read found gold in what would be called Gabriels Gully. Thousands of diggers, later including men from China, went there to make their fortune. The Otago provincial government had offered a £1000 reward for the discovery of ‘payable quantities’ of gold. Read, a prospector from Tasmania claimed the reward
         The Otago gold rush peaked in the mid-1860s, after which miners left in large numbers for the new West Coast goldfields. Read returned to Tasmania in 1864 and spent his final years in a mental hospital. equivalent to more than $110,000 today) after finding gold ‘shining like the stars in Orion’. His discovery sparked the country’s first major gold rush.

What does the scenery look like in Hunter’s Gold? lots of water and gold hunters looking for gold, not a lot of people they had horses and not cars
How do you think the little boy felt when his father didn’t return? Why do you think he felt that way? sad he did not get to see his father
Think of a time when you haven’t seen someone for a long time. Who was it? Why couldn’t you see them? How were you feeling while you waited to see them again? my cusion they where in lockdown in tempelten

Tuesday 22 September 2020


 when can a mission to mars or from mars happen? it can only happen every twenty-six month 

what are two geological features of mars? it has valleys and volcanos

what is one possible solution from the story about oxygen on mars? NASA has a machine called moxie that creates oxgyn 

if it doesn't rain in mars where dose the water come from? their is some water under mars 

how will people get food on mars? grow the food in the grading space of the roket 

Thursday 10 September 2020

heroes vs villains

This term we have been doing heroes vs villains this is my writing and pictures.

On the beach, the waves are crashing angrily against the rocks on an island. The ocean is cold and blue. The waves are small, calm and peaceful. There are dolphins, fish, sharks, eels and crabs on the bottom of the water. You can hear splashing dolphins, echos, boat engines and waves crashing. 

Max is walking around the island hunting for food. He lives there. Max does not have a job, he has dark hair, brown eyes and is tall. He is walking along the beach trying to find gold when he sees something shiny in the water. He walks towards it and picks the gold bar up. It is light. 

Alex, the local bad boy walks onto the beach. He hits Max in the face, takes the gold bar and runs away. Max chases after him and tries to take the gold back. They fight each other until they are both exhausted. 

They stop fighting and agree to share the gold bar. They agree to live together and sell the gold so that they have enough money for a new house to live in, next to the beach. The house is big and it is next to the beach so they can see the lovely view. Out of the windows. These are my drawings.

Friday 14 August 2020

Welcome to Australia Speech

 Hi Everyone. Today I did a speech about Australia, I chose this because I like Australia and I am going there next year. Here is my speech. Here is a video of me reading what it is.

Welcome to Australia

  1. Cities in Australia 

Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Newcastle, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, Gold Coast, Adelaide

  1. Famous places

Ayres Rock

Sydney Opera

The great barrier reef

  1. Animals in Australia and information about them 

Koalas - they eat eucalyptus leaves.

Kangaroos - can’t move backwards, they have short and powerful legs, tall ears, large feet and long tail.

Crocodiles - are one of the several animals that the Egyptians mummified. 

Dingo - is not a good animal because they are wild animals and they are fierce like wolves.

  1. Currency

Australian dollar - comes in $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, one and two dollars, 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents

5. Famous people 

Iggy Azalea, Nicole Kidman, 

Thursday 23 July 2020

strength cards

1. honesty say what i think is true. i did not except this cause some times i dont tell the truth. i dont always tell the truth   

2. self regulation have great self control. sometimes i have a good self control. i have good self control 

3. kindness caring and generous. i am a kind person. i am a kind person 

4. hope likely to be a positive person. i am sometimes a positive person. sometimes i am a positive person 

5. prudence careful but in a good way. i am caring in a good way i am caring in a good way 

6. love listen show care. i listen to show respect i like to listen to show respect

7. humour good at seeing the funny side of life. i am short of good at seeing the funny side of life. some YouTube videos make me laugh 

8. spirituality have faith in someone. have faith in someone 
9. creativity inspired by other peoples ideas. i am sometimes inspired by peoples ideas. i inspired by others ideas if they are interesting 

10. love of learning super in into learning new things. i like learning new things. i like learning new subjects 

Wednesday 22 July 2020

gender equality

what is stereotyping
what is male stereotyping dont cry much
what is a female stereotype. females cry a lot
what are the negative effects of stereotyping
what is gender equality gender roles
how has gender equality developed over the years 

Tuesday 16 June 2020

healthy food

Today in health we learnt that the one with the most ingredients goes first it goes more than less like oat bar have a lot of wholegrain cereals 30% we can swap yellow bread for the wheat bread wand wholegrain oats 95%. It is made in New Zealand

Friday 12 June 2020


How much sugar is in drinks? I think in coke there are 15 teaspoons and in sports drinks, there are 20 teaspoons of sugar this is the group I am in.

Thursday 28 May 2020


In  wananga I have been doing Epic which is reading books hare is what I have done so far
in wananga on Epic.

Friday 22 May 2020

hello goodbye

Hello to school and friends 
Goodbye playing Fortnite with ava 

Hello to learning new things at school
Goodbye to spending time with family    

Hello to walking back to school
Goodbye to cusion  and sister 

 Hello to playing with friends 
Goodbye to playing with my cusion 

Hello to sunrise 
Goodbye sleeping in

Goodbye lockdown 
Hello freedom

Friday 8 May 2020

level 2

We might go back to school on level 2. I like school and I want to go back. I miss my friends and will be happy to see them. It has been a long time since I've seen them. I can not wait.
go outside

Friday 24 April 2020


I've been playing on my Nintendo switch. Mostly I play Fortnite, Mario Kart, Youtube. Minecraft and Five Nights at Freddy's in my room and I'm at level 182 on Fortnite.
I have 4 friends in Aussie that I play games with online.

Thursday 12 March 2020

colour wheel

this is my colour wheel  from art the primary colours  are red yellow blue and the secondary colours are green orange  purple

Monday 17 February 2020


Hi, guys welcome back to my blog today I am going to share another graph about discus. But this time I am going to share two graphs the first one is about discus on knees and discuss standing up.

First Graph
Brontie - Got 10.5 meters on her first go

Taylor -  Got 9.5 Meters on her first go

Lucy - Got 8 meters on her first go

Bianca - I got 10 meters on my first go

Lousini - Got 10.5 on her first go

Second Graph

Brontie - Got 13m on her second go

Taylor -  Got 14m on her second go

Lucy -  Got 13m on her second go

Bianca - I got 9m on her second go

Lousini - Got 15m on her second go

I think that we got higher scores when we were standing up because we had more strength and we knew what we were doing.


shot put

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog today I will be sharing a graph about shot put that I made in pe/math.  the graph is about shot put on our knees.

Bronte -  Got 5 meters on her go

Taylor -  Got 8 meters on her go 

Quad -  Got 7 Meters on his go

Bianca -  I got 4 Meters on my go

I think we all got different scores because we all have different body strength.