
Monday, 17 February 2020


Hi, guys welcome back to my blog today I am going to share another graph about discus. But this time I am going to share two graphs the first one is about discus on knees and discuss standing up.

First Graph
Brontie - Got 10.5 meters on her first go

Taylor -  Got 9.5 Meters on her first go

Lucy - Got 8 meters on her first go

Bianca - I got 10 meters on my first go

Lousini - Got 10.5 on her first go

Second Graph

Brontie - Got 13m on her second go

Taylor -  Got 14m on her second go

Lucy -  Got 13m on her second go

Bianca - I got 9m on her second go

Lousini - Got 15m on her second go

I think that we got higher scores when we were standing up because we had more strength and we knew what we were doing.


shot put

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog today I will be sharing a graph about shot put that I made in pe/math.  the graph is about shot put on our knees.

Bronte -  Got 5 meters on her go

Taylor -  Got 8 meters on her go 

Quad -  Got 7 Meters on his go

Bianca -  I got 4 Meters on my go

I think we all got different scores because we all have different body strength.