
Thursday 28 May 2020


In  wananga I have been doing Epic which is reading books hare is what I have done so far
in wananga on Epic.

Friday 22 May 2020

hello goodbye

Hello to school and friends 
Goodbye playing Fortnite with ava 

Hello to learning new things at school
Goodbye to spending time with family    

Hello to walking back to school
Goodbye to cusion  and sister 

 Hello to playing with friends 
Goodbye to playing with my cusion 

Hello to sunrise 
Goodbye sleeping in

Goodbye lockdown 
Hello freedom

Friday 8 May 2020

level 2

We might go back to school on level 2. I like school and I want to go back. I miss my friends and will be happy to see them. It has been a long time since I've seen them. I can not wait.
go outside